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Kastelorizo, 85111, Greece
Tel.:+30 22 46 04 90 07 Fax:+30 22 46 04 90 07
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Kastelorizo made Parisian architect Marie Rivalant fall in love three times: first with the island itself, then with a man living there and finally with an old, waterfront house. So she moved to the island, married the man, and bought the house. Luckily for us, she decided to turn the house into a little hotel, and did so without trying to make an architectural or design statement. The house was cute enough as it was, and Marie wisely kept it that way, adding just colour, arty bathrooms and oriental details, all giving it a touch of the exotic. Bedrooms are spread over two floors, several light and airy ones facing the sea, and others that have a more oriental feel, with mattresses on a sleeping platform. A magnificent suite occupies the ground floor. Breakfast, a blend of Greek, French and Turkish delicacies, is served on the terrace, and during the day you can sunbathe in front of the house and dip into the clear waters. is in beta version.

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